Top 10 Reasons Why I Am Rejoicing This Week:
1) My kids will be starting PUBLIC school next week.
...which means I can finally be one of those moms who can't wait for school to start!
2) I hit week 10 of pregnancy, and my morning sickness seems to have virtually vanished.
...i.e. I feel human again.
3) My house is back in its clean, orderly condition.
...partly because of a husband who recognizes when I need help, in addition to reason #2.
4) Waking before the kids and getting out for a morning walk sets a good tone for the rest of the day
...this is one of my goals for the week, and so far we're two for two.
5) We are taking a family camping trip this weekend.
...which will finally fulfill my craving for mountain air, pine trees, and starry nights around the campfire.
6) Forrest and I have reservations at a hotel on the ocean in Pacifica... and we're going without the kids!
...'nuff said.
7) Is it just me, or does this weather feel more like Fall than Summer?
8) Speaking of Fall, I won't be in school this year because I'm done!
9) I scheduled my first prenatal appointment with the midwives, and I can't wait to be in their care again.
...despite my toying with the whole hospital birth idea, my heart belongs to homebirth (thank you Forrest for helping me to realize this.) The former, I believe, was coming from a moment of weakness. Now that I am feeling more like "me" again, it's easier to regain perspective.
10) I just learned that my baby is about the size of a kumquat (a little over an inch) and has tiny fingernails already!
...and I'll get to hear the heartbeat in 2 weeks.
Life is good once again.