We had a wonderful time in Washington for Thanksgiving. We drove up on Wednesday morning, leaving very early and driving all day. I drove the entire trip and it took us 15 1/2 hours with stops and traffic. The way home we left Saturday night, drove through the night, and it took us 12 hours. It was much nicer with kids asleep, no bathroom stops, and no traffic to contend with. We loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa's new house in Everett and they were very accommodating to us. We even got to see cousin Ryan who just graduated from basic training and is stationed in Washington for the next 3 years. As always, the food was delicious and the trip too short.
Ashlee and Sarah. |
Heading out for a walk in the snow. |
Taking a nap on Grandpa's couch before our 12 hour drive home, sea otter compliments of Uncle Eric. |
Ashlee's new Aeropostle fleece blanket, which I wanted to fight her for. |
Christmas festivity at Bellevue Square. |
Playing with his new toy our first morning there. |
Playing out back with Skoshie the dog. |
My honey and I on Thanksgiving morning. |
Kaitlyn and cousin Reagan being silly. |
My dad and I. |
All the boys being macho: from L to R Uncle Eric, cousin Ryan, Uncle Sean, and Grandpa. |
Aunt Roxanne and I and all 11 of our kids in one place. |
Group shot with Grandpa and Grandpa and all the kids and grandkids. |
My dad, Candy, and 5 kids. |