Today was the kids' Primary Program at church (wish I had pictures to post... darn.) From what I understand, this is quite the production that has pretty much been all year in the making. The Primary Presidency did an excellent job of orchestrating the whole thing and making it all come together. I have loved listening to the practice c.d. with my children these past few months and learning the songs with them; my favorite was "Teach Me About the Temple," so beautiful! Ashlee and Jacob both had their lines memorized to a "T," only Jacob wishes he would've had a longer one (next year, bud.)
As I sat in the congregation with Forrest, watching the kids up on the stand, a few thoughts came to mind. One of them was how impressed I am at how far Ashlee has come since we started investigating the church. I vividly remember the first time we were invited to church, and Ashlee was two. I sat nervously with her in the chapel during sacrament meeting, and right during the passing of the sacrament, she decided to leave the pew, tear down the aisle, and dart across the front of the congregation. Someone had to retrieve her and bring her back to me, as I was too terrified to move. After that incident I thought I'd never be able to sit reverently in church with my children like all the other moms. Never did I imagine that several years later I'd be sitting in the same congregation with not one but four... um, five... children, reverently enjoying the sacrament meeting. Each year the Primary Program is a good way for me to analyze our progress. The first year it was the emotion that swept over me as Ashlee stood up front and sang "I am a Child of God" with all the other children, the song that Forrest used to sing to her every night when she was a baby before I even knew about the church. Now here was our "baby" singing it back to us. Then it was watching Jacob his first year in the program; Noah was two and Kaitlyn was a new baby, and I left them with Forrest while I attempted to escort Jake up to the front to take his seat, only to have him make a mad dash back to the congregation, refusing to perform... now he's asking for a bigger part.
I could say more, but for the sake of not turning this post into a journal entry will stop there.
I already look forward to next year, when I'll have a new baby in my arms and Noah will be up there for the first time. It really puts a perspective on just how fast this life passes...
I am so happy I am able to give my children the gift of the gospel.