A cute couple.

They had many fun activities, one of which was a race to see which dad could wrap their daughter in two rolls of toilet paper the fastest. Forrest was a little flustered by the fact that I sent him with two double rolls! It didn't make his job any easier. Oops.

Doesn't Ashlee look thrilled to be covered in... toilet paper?

They also had a relay to see who could run down to the end of the gym, dress up in these crazy clothes, undress and run back the fastest. Can you guess who this is??

I'm not sure if this is a picture of the dads and daughters getting ready for the 3-legged race or not... it looks more like dancing.
LOL-I just love how absolutely thrilled Ashlee looks to be fashioned in toilet paper! Two ply double roll, huh-he did have his work cut out for him. Funny, but what a fun night:-)