Marlene says that the week before a woman has her baby is like a period in terms of the surging hormones and mood swings she experiences. Well, if my mood is any indicator of when labor will start, I'll be having this baby soon.

You'd think that knowing this, I'd be able to remove myself from the situation and look at it objectively. In reading past journals, I can see that I am like this somewhere between weeks 38 and 39 with every pregnancy. Nonetheless, it doesn't make it any easier to go through. Yesterday was a weepy day (to say the least) and I just wish it would pass. I was having lots of good energy earlier last week, and I was really hoping it would stay. Now I am counting on my nesting instincts to kick in and give me one last spurt before she is born.
I do love this stage of pregnancy. Nothing beats the anticipation of where, when, and how labor will start, and the thought of her being in my arms soon is all-consuming.
On another note, Forrest is out of town and I am hoping my labor will progress in such a way that he is able to make the two hour drive back before I reach the stage where I really need him. Time will tell.
I am so excited for you! If you need anything please let me know or if you need someone to sit with you in labor while waiting for Forrest I would love to. I always feel like I did when I was a little kid waiting for Christmas morning. I can't wait to meet your little girl!