The kids were outside on the back patio this afternoon when one of them said, "Mom, Lily is peeing on herself." I went outside to examine, and she was lying on her side with a small puddle between her legs.
"That's not pee," I said, "Lily is about to have her kittens."
She got up and came in the house, and I followed, ready to play midwife. I tried coaxing her into the box we had set up for her, but to no avail. No sooner had I turned around to grab some towels than she had disappeared into a dark corner in our closet. I could see that she was contracting and her little body was bearing down. She began to pant, then she leaped over us and into the doorway in what I categorize as the "fight or flight" response. Just a moment later her first kitten was delivered. Here she is cleaning it off.

She's a good mama, very instinctual.

This scrawny little guy was walking around looking for some milk already, I couldn't believe it!

Very protective.

I can't believe this was just inside of her.

After a good cleaning, she took the first one back into the closet, and I sent the kids outside to play. About 20 minutes later, she came out of the closet, meowing and a little panicked. I sat calmly on the bedroom floor, waiting for the process to repeat itself. She came up to me and sprawled out on the floor, looking for reprieve. I gently petted her head, and one long "meeeooooow" followed by a gush brought about kitty #2. This guy was a brilliant orange.

We think this one is the cutest.

He was looking for milk right away, too.

All in all, she had 5 (I think.) After the second one she retreated to the closet to deliver the rest (with much less of a production.)

I am so glad we were home to partake in this neat experience.