This gem is too good not to share. I first came across this book when Ashlee was an infant, and have since coined it my "baby bible." I know of several friends and family members who swear by its technique, and we are no exception. The proof is in the puddin'- all of my babies have slept through the night and maintain healthy sleep habits as older children. After Ashlee, I have adapted a modified approach that involves less crying, and have generally found that by simply following the eat-wake-sleep cycle, my babies begin sleeping through the night on their own with very little crying. Today is day 1 for Rachel, and so far she has followed the schedule to a 'T', nursing every 2 1/2 hours and taking her naps in between. Thank you Babywise! A good night's sleep is a gift to the whole family.
Seriously, is there anything more important than a well-rested baby and well-rested mommy? The book truly is a great gift to us parents!