Since the beginning of my career as a stay-at-home mom, I have often found myself ending journal entries with these words: "Life is good." As of late I have often pondered the same feeling; life is good. On the one hand, having five kids has forced me to slow down in many ways. For example, it wasn't until after the birth of number five that I have felt the need for, and often heed to the calling of, a good nap. In my younger years, I viewed naps as a cut into my productive time. I shunned the thought. Now as an older and wiser mother of five, I see them as an opportunity to meditate, slow down my body and open my mind to the deeper dealings of my inner conscience. Sometimes I even get the added benefit of cuddling a sleeping baby across my chest. It is often during a good nap that I come upon bits of revelation, inspiration (call it what you will) that get me through the rest of my day or week. I can not tell you how many times I have received answers to some of my deepest concerns (usually dealing with my children) while retiring to the quiet solitude of my upstairs bedroom for a nap. It has been said that if prayer is talking to God, meditating is listening to God. I couldn't agree more.
Some time back I came to the conclusion that I had a choice to make: a clean house or happy kids. Not both, which is a shame because I love both. I wrestled with that thought for a long time, resenting my house on the day I chose happy kids and riddling myself with guilt when I chose the former. But now I realize being a mom is so much more than that. You can have a clean house and happy kids, and life will be good. However, you can also have the sick days where you stay on the couch and watch movies, and life will be good then too. I have learned to do less, much less, and try to give more quality to what I do, because after all, when we get to the end of the road the only thing that will really matter is the journey that got us there. I have learned to pause for a moment each morning and try to listen for what God wants me to do that day. Maybe I'll be blessed with a productive day, and be grateful for it. Or maybe this will be the day that I ignore the dishes as I fill up my glass with sun tea on my way to the backyard to sit and watch the kids do water balloons and search for lady bugs in the garden. Our kittens are a good reminder of just how quickly life passes. I try to take the time to sit and enjoy them as much as my children do, for they are growing fast and will soon be gone. It's not too often in life you get to have 5 kittens and 5 children under one roof, and I consider myself fortunate. I look all around me and see others in the same position; living a good life. Sure there's work, there always will be. Our kids will need us every day and push us past our limits, but therein lies our opportunity to grow. I told Forrest the other night that in my world, almost everything can be related to exercise. When we extend ourselves beyond our limits, we will be stronger than the day before. That is our children's job, and I am grateful for it. I am not the same mother I was ten years ago, and I have my children and my Father in heaven to thank. They are my best teachers and are shaping me into the mother I hope to be throughout all eternity. That is why we are here, right? It is a test run for our eternal destiny. I think there is a reason why, in hindsight, we always remember the good in every situation. It's kind of like a workout. When you're dripping sweat and squeezing out those last few reps, or running that last mile, you probably won't be saying, "Yes! I am loving this!" But you keep going, and afterwards you relish in the satisfaction of a good workout. Such is life. In the moment we focus on our trials, but in the end we see the big picture. Life is good! And I have five (no, ten!) little angels sleeping in their beds to show for it, and a husband who has patiently been waiting downstairs for me to finish this blog post. I'm not going to end with any grandiose conclusions or lofty promises of what I will do better tomorrow, just the premise that I am enough, I have enough, and life is good. Good night.
Awesomely put, Lisa! Very true and motivating-thank you for the reminder. I have been pushed to my limits already in these early days of Summer vacation, and your post is a reminder of the growth that does occur, and to just do the best we can, and that we will be stronger for it.
ReplyDeleteThere was a speaker at Sean's graduation that was talking about being "all in" for each day, and everything you do, and that has helped me these past couple days. I am "all in!"
And summer vacation is actually what it is intended to be for us- a break! My trying moment will come when our school year resumes and I go back into teacher mode. Another opportunity to grow in patience!
ReplyDeletei am going to really miss ashlee)=
ReplyDeletesydney howell