Today was Karen's baby shower. Karen and I are high school BFFs, and I have been waiting years for this girl to have a baby. Well, the day has finally come! She and her husband waited three months to make their big announcement, and when they did, it was discovered that we are due a mere 10 days apart... both with boys. Ecstatic!

Although looking at our tummies you would never guess it. When I say this girl is tiny, I mean it! She redefines the word.

Karen's sister-in-law is also carrying a baby boy, due just one month after Karen. There is definitely a baby-boom in our midst, and I am so happy to be a part of it with my BFF!

Karen is so insightful, and as I sat and listened to her talk about how she isn't going to call anyone until after the birth, and how she wants at least two hours for she and her husband to bond with their new baby, I couldn't help but wish that I had half her wisdom when I was a new mother. To hear women who haven't even had their babies yet talk like that just amazes me! She's going to be a natural.
Congratulations Karen. We can't wait to meet Baby "T."
Awe thanks Lisa! Such a sweet post. I really am not that tiny! It is encouraging to here a pro like you think I will be a natural, considering I am so freaking scared!