I tried to rest today but ended up feeling really depressed, so I decided to work instead. I really am the type of person who needs to stay busy. I started mopping my floor and the feeling went away. In being productive, I feel happy. I have come to realize that my mood is directly related to the state of my house, and I simply can not let it go. I figure the work will always be there, and I'm the one who will end up doing it, so I might as well stay on top of it!
Being that it is summer, I have been able to enlist the kids in several chores which has been a huge help. I am still working on getting a chore chart in place so that we will be able to maintain it when school starts. I am actually anticipating the start of the school year for the sake of getting some structure back into our schedule. Summer with a newborn isn't quite what it would normally be, and the kids have been a little more idle than I would like.
I really am thankful for the gospel perspective and how it gets me through each of my days, even moments. I do not know how I would be raising my kids without it (I certainly would not have this many!) I was talking to a friend the other day about happiness, and it got me thinking, what is the worth of happiness? To me, happiness can be a fleeting emotion. Life with kids is hard work, and there are several moments throughout my day when I wouldn't deem myself as feeling "happy," yet the work I'm doing gives me a feeling of satisfaction that will be eternal. That is my happiness.
I love my kids and all the reasons they give me to smile in a day. Today it was Noah and Kaitlyn and the worms, and Kaitlyn's little crooked-mouth smile as she held them out to me in one hand and proclaimed, "They're so cuuuuuute!" I love the innocence of children and the way their minds work. I only wish I had more time to soak it all in. From what I hear, this stage passes so quickly! I look at Ashlee blossoming into a teenager before my eyes and I believe it. I can't say I want to slow time down, just enjoy it. Like any other mom I struggle to find the balance between housework and kids and hope I am doing it right. I think by the time I figure it out they'll be gone. I am so thankful for each new opportunity that comes with the rising sun to get it right. Here's to being one step closer! Good night.
An excellent post and so true! So the shrieking for fun thing is for some odd reason the one thing I fear most about having a little girl. We can hardly handle the shrieks that come out of our boys, let alone adding a few more decibels to that. Kind of makes me want to shriek out of nervousness.