This year was cool because we got to celebrate Noah's birthday AND have his party on the same day. It's always nice when it works out like that =)
After finishing his breakfast of french toast, Noah brought his plate into the kitchen and asked, "Mom, can we talk about my birth now?" I have made the tradition of reliving my children's births with them on their birthdays, and this is something they have come to look forward to.

A pinata, by special request. Noah and Kaitlyn had fun filling it this afternoon.

A game of balloon toss: we had to make it a little more challenging by saying the kids could use their heads and feet only to keep their balloons off the ground. Noah won round two.

Some would say this cake was more for me than the birthday boy; let's just say I did a little persuading =)

Happy Birthday my sweet Noah bear! You have brought us 6 years of joy.