Last week we had the opportunity of visiting the Children's Museum in Stockton. It was a bit of a drive, but so much fun!
They had several simulations of real-life professions. Here are the girls at the "sandwich shop."

Kaitlyn really liked ringing the bell on this diagram of a cow. I learned that on a farm, they feed baby cows small magnets to keep any scrap metal that is accidentally ingested from entering their intestines.

Kaitlyn loading her basket up with produce- guess she's learned a thing or two from all those trips with me down to the farmer's market!

...and shopping for dry goods...

Here's Ashlee checking her out. The kids really liked the grocery scanner.

Rachel's turn to make a sandwich!

This was the front half of a real helicopter, complete with lights and sounds.

Jacob said he "may" be a police officer when he grows up =)

The free face-painting station was a hit.

I had put a butterfly on Kaitlyn's cheek, but she wiped it off in favor of one of Katie's full-face creations.

It turned out nice, don't you think?

Jacob was in heaven when he discovered this Lego table.

It had better be the only time I see this girl in the back of a police car!!

After a couple hours of playing we discovered this nice outdoor play yard where we could eat our lunch. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. The kids had fun playing on the playground and meeting other kids. Here are the girls being "butterflies and angels" on their way back into the museum.

After lunch we ventured into the art room, where they had tons of art supplies and craft tables for the kids. This was our last activity as we were winding down. This was a great homeschool field trip!

This week Anthony discovered finger puffs... and loves them! Would we expect anything less?

Some of them kind of dribble down his chin, but he still gets the flavor.

I am absolutely loving this time with two babies. I think Rachel is discovering that Anthony is blossoming into a fun playmate!

We were given one of these fun Flinstones cars the other day, and my kids have been having a blast with it.

Rachel pretty much claimed it as hers from the get-go. She was hilarious and would scream when anyone tried to touch it or come near it on the first day.

The kids have been spending LOTS of time up in the field (a.k.a. mud) collecting things and making a mess. The other day they came in the house with 2 snakes, a frog, and a lizard. I thought it was cute that they each had their own "pet."

Yes, they are definitely enjoying spring. Sometimes my inner voice wants to shout, "Get out of the mud!" But, I'd much rather have them playing in mud than inside playing video games. Dirt is healthy for kids.

Ashlee's obsession this past week has been The Hunger Games. I took her to see it on Friday night, and here she is with her Katniss braid. She also made herself a tee-shirt with the Mockingjay logo on it.

Mmmmm... a pear and goat cheese pizza I made the other night... one for me and one for a friend!

Kaitlyn being a sweet girl with the marble run. She thought I was taking a video so she kept doing these silly faces.

That was such a fun trip to the museum. You got some great pictures. I love the kids pets that they found. Dirty hands are the best indicator of lots of fun in the yard! Love it!