Yesterday we had family Christmas at Cathe's. As always it was a good turnout with yummy food and a white elephant gift exchange. We had a fun ride down in the new Suburban and the kids were quiet watching Arthur Christmas in the backseat. It was the perfect day until... at midnight we got stuck coming up our street. The roads were clear right up to our exit, where they implemented chain control. We pulled into the Safeway parking lot and Forrest begrudgingly put chains on the back tires. We attempted our street again, to no avail, so he ended up walking a mile to the house to retrieve his truck while the kids and I sat in the Safeway parking lot with the heater on. By the time all was said and done we made it into bed at 2:00a.m. Miraculously we made it up in time for church and the Christmas program.
We have had a lot of snow at our house, and Noah and Kaitlyn love to make snow angels. |
This was a night that I made a yummy farmer's market dinner: naturally raised London broil, steamed broccoli, and oven roasted red potatoes. It was so simple and delicious. Anthony had thirds on the meat, this boy must need his protein. I put on a Disney fairy movie on my laptop which made for a quiet meal. |
"Cheese!" |
Cute pics. on the blog!