This was a fun Easter weekend, from Friday until today. Ashlee's best friend, Jolena, joined us on Friday for a craft day. We decorated eggs, made jelly belly carrots, and molded Easter chocolates. Jolena's mom and I became acquainted while we were pregnant, so the girls have been friends since they were in the womb. They were born three days apart, and now they're inseperable.

Jolie's is on the right, Ashlee's on the left.

I made these minis.

The girls were proud of their goods.

This was a super easy craft for the boys...

...and the girls.

The eggs were fun (and yummy in egg salad sandwiches!)

On Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt in El Dorado Hills. The boys didn't fare so well, but Ashlee got enough candy to go around. She's always been my competetive one!
Today was the perfect ending for a perfect weekend. Church was especially good- the choir sounded beautiful and the teachers were so inspiring. Some of our extended family joined us for a dinner of shishkabobs, scalloped potatoes, salad and homemade rolls, topped off with chocolate chip calzones and fresh whipped cream for dessert. It is always such a blessing to have family over, and I consider it a privelege to host the get-togethers.
Finally, one of my favorite scriptures about the Savior (He is, after all, the reason why we are celebrating, no?) I wanted to share this with my kids tonight but it got too late, so I'll post it instead and hope that some of you will enjoy it. It is from the Book of Mormon:
"And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." -Alma 7:11
He suffured so that we don't have to, and may we all take advantage of that gift in our lives. I love you all so much and hope everyone's Easter was everything they wanted it to be.