We had the missionaries over for dinner and a lesson the other night. I can't get enough of them. There's this chapstick at the LDS bookstore that has "I (heart) missionaries" printed all over it. Forrest always jokes that he's going to buy it for me. At first they come in and have dinner with you, and it's like, "Okay, these guys are human. They crack jokes, I can relate to them." And then they start teaching a principal of the gospel, and the spirit completely transforms them into messengers of the Lord. I love having that feeling in my home.
See how chill they are with the kids? I love it.

The lesson was on the restoration of the gospel. The kids soaked it up. Watching them teach my children inspired me as to how I can be a better teacher. Kids are maleable and impressionable; they have an innate desire to learn. We should all take advantage of that and teach our kids everything we want them to know, or someone else will! I love the missionaries.
I still have a weak spot for missionaries...once you have missionary discussions and get baptized they just hold a special place in your heart. Luckily I'm now too old to keep having crushes on them...hahaha.