One of Forrest's sisters is in town from Texas, so after a long weekend of camping we headed over to Tommy and Vera's house for a family dinner. Despite how tired we all were, it was well worth it to see everyone and enjoy Vera's delicious cooking! Here are most (but not all) of the girls:

... and some (but not nearly all) of the boys:

... and me and my baby girl.

There is a funny story behind this picture. We asked a couple walking by to take this shot (so we could all be in it) and then proceeded to give them our cameras (about 4 in all.) As we are standing there waiting patiently for a picture to be taken with each of the cameras, Jeff says, "I don't recognize the camera in that man's hand, who's is it?" Janean and I look and notice that he has pulled out his own video camera and is taping us! "What the heck is he doing?" we wonder out loud. He was a foreigner and seemed oblivious of any wrongdoing. Janean and I, on the other hand, couldn't stop cracking up. So there you have it. What will he do with that footage? We will never know.
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