Friday, August 6, 2010

Signing Off

Well, I think it's about time to retire the ol' blog. The plan is to bring it to a close, have it published via, and turn my efforts back to scrapbooking and journaling (which were always much more rewarding anyway, in an intrinsic way.)

I am a big believer of de-cluttering, both temporally and spiritually, and through a little bit of soul-searching I have come to realize that blogging is one of the things that needs to go (along with late nights and eating sugar.) I never have been a fan of the computer (or any type of media-technology in general... it's just the way I am) and lately blogging has found me in front of the screen more often than I would like.

I am going back to my roots- focusing on home, family, and well-being. With a new homeschooling year about to begin I figure I really shouldn't have any "spare" time to spend on the computer anyway, and I think it will be better that way.

So, it's been fun. Thanks for all the good memories, and adieu!

I feel better already.


  1. Keeping a journal is very rewarding. I'll miss you comments.

  2. I do not like this, just being honest

  3. Lisa - For your family that is out of state, your blog has been a blessing and a treat for our entire family. I do understand that it can be consuming, but it has been a joy watching the activities that you and my grandchildren are enjoying. Wrights Lake brought back many happy memories - Thank You!

    Moderation - of course. I live on the computer at work, so when I come home it is the last place I go. But, I have been seriously considering starting a blog of my own to share with you and other loved ones.

    Maybe, you can do a monthly update (Newsletter - if you will). This has been the only way I can see you and your beautiful family grow and I do treasure the peek into your daily life and enjoy sharing the pics of the little ones with my co-workers.

    Just my thoughts and sincere hope that you will continue to share your lovely family (in moderation). If not, I will truly miss the anticipation of "tuning in".


  4. Me either! Bummer! It was a way to keep up with you. Can't you just make it simple and not spend too much time on it? Mine is a sort of scrapbook for me. Takes less time than scrapbooking...I only blog once a week or so and do a bunch at a time...But I totally understand what you are saying. I'm proud of you for deciding what's best for you and your fam, just will miss seeing you guys on here!

  5. I agree for us family far away-just keep it short and simple, even just put the pics. on with a blurb here and there to let us know what the pics. are, and keep it at that. It will bore all those 'blog stalkers', but will be invaluable to the rest of us;-) That's what I do with my blog, and it works out nicely! That is my request.
