Our ward put on THE BEST activity tonight- a real life game of Clue. Bishop Fox went missing (see his picture on the milk carton down there?) and our mission was to find his perpetrator.

Forrest was asked to be the host (with the most, I might add) and here he is in his get-up. We transformed the gym into Brother Brown's Ristorante, and his job was to seat patrons as they arrived.

Kirk played an
excellent detective- so authentic with those dark glasses and REAL handcuffs. Here he is arresting our teammate, Jesse.

Questioning one of the suspects. "Do you have a question for mi-ah?" Each suspect (i.e. Professor Prune, Miss Snow, Bubba, etc.) had their own "room" at the stake center, and we were allowed two questions per suspect before moving on. We then had to narrow our accusation down to a suspect, a weapon and a room.

I told you, Kirk was heavy on the handcuffs tonight. Here he is cuffing Jesse to Sister Harris, whom I'm sure turned redder than the shirt she was wearing.
And the suspect: MISS SNOW! Here she is pleading her case to the shackled Bishop, who was brought in from the parking lot. Bishop, we're so glad you're alive and well! See you on Sunday.
I was really bummed we missed this activity, it sounded like it was going to be so fun. Deke was asked to have a part but we were camping that weekend. I'm glad I got to see what it was like!