Although commonly over-prescribed, antibiotics do hold a place in the nature of our well-being. However, a little-known fact is that there is a safer alternative to what you would pick up in a pharmacy. I am so grateful to have discovered the natural, healing benefits of garlic and cranberry.
The first time I was blessed by this homeopathic cocktail was shortly after the birth of Noah, my first homebirth baby. The morning after he was born I was struck with intense and rapidly increasing abdominal pain, accompanied by a sudden-onset low-grade fever. The pain came in waves, similar to that of contractions, and was concentrated in my lower back and abdomen. We called the midwives. My hunch was the beginning of a uterine infection; they didn't know. What they did do was to start me on an immediate regimen of garlic and cranberry, paired with a tincture of echinacea and goldenseal (for immune system support.) By dinner time the fever and pain were gone. I know it was the natural antibiotic properties of the garlic and cranberry that overpowered what may have been the potential start of an infection- and I never had to leave my house or deal with the uncomfortable side effects of mainstream antibiotics. The midwives testified that with this regimen, they had never had to send a woman to the hospital as the result of an infection. I believed their words.
Well, with Noah being as sick as he was on a Sunday, I knew I had to rely on Nature's Antibiotic if I was to provide him any relief before the weekend's end. I called my dear friend Naomi, whom I knew would have some garlic on-hand (the chewable soft-gels that my kids will take as readily as candy.) We were able to pair this with dropper-fulls of cranberry concentrate for Noah, washed down with orange juice. I also took Naomi's advice and massaged behind his ears with eucalyptus oil. He fell asleep for a long nap, and when he awoke the pain in his ears was gone. We continued with the garlic softgels and cranberry concentrate (as it's important to hit it strong in the beginning when using homeopathic remedies) and later in the evening my other dear friend, Brittany, sent her very knowledgeable and experienced chiropractor husband over to give Noah an adjustment on our living room couch. This aids in the opening up of the eustachian tube, allowing for proper drainage. By dinner, Noah was up and around, and by Monday he was back to his usual self. I couldn't believe the complete turnaround he had made in less than 24 hours. But what I felt the most strongly about was the gratitude I have for caring, knowledgeable friends and the gifts God has put on the earth for us to heal ourselves.
I am so glad he is feeling better! The adjustments help a ton!
ReplyDeleteI am glad he's doing well!! I feel the same way about garlic and echinaceia, I keep them handy and take them to boost up the immune system when I' sick. I'll have to try the cranberry.
ReplyDeleteWe missed you guys at dinner :(. Dinner was really good as always! Thanks again!