Today marks Anthony's four month birthday. Despite my intentions to keep him little, he is growing big, big, big. Perhaps all the snuggling and nursing are contributing factors. Who can blame me for wanting to keep this last baby in my arms... and bed? Yes, I take full responsibility for him not yet sleeping through the night. It's for purely selfish reasons, I admit. This is the first time I have not felt the pressure to sleep train before another baby comes, and I kind of like it.

See those thighs? I make straight cream. And on certain days probably chocolate milk. I can gauge the amount of sleep I get on my cravings for chocolate the next day. But there again, with a last baby, I'm not too concerned about losing weight. It seems to be coming off on its own just fine, never to be re-gained again! Running will help with that.

Life is good.
OH my goodness, that last picture is awesome. He has yummy chunky legs.