Jacob's 7, and on Saturday we celebrated.
It's kind of funny, but the night before his party he told me worriedly, "Mom, my party's tomorrow, shouldn't we be doing more to plan it?"
I had to explain that Mom's a last-minute party planner and that it would all come together. "Remember the day before Kaitlyn's party, and how Mom was in bed sick? I planned her party the day of and it turned out great, and so will yours."
I think it did.

There was more fizzy sherbet punch, a seven-layer dip, fruit, and by Jacob's request, root beer.

He requested a chocolate cake, and since we couldn't find any dirt bike decorations at Party Express we opted to go with race cars instead. Daddy did the decorating.

Forrest put together a game of "Jacob's Favorites" bingo. All the kids sat through it and really enjoyed it, and every time someone got a bingo, they all would get a prize. This is how we filled their goody bags.

Here is Brady's sour Warhead face. I think most of the Warheads ended up in the trash. Remember how
sour those candies are? Yikes.

Happy 7 Jacob!!!!!!!!!! We love you.
Looks like the kids had a blast! Thanks again for the invite!