Am I the only one being hit with the winter blues? Maybe it's the rain, or pregnancy, too busy of a weekend, or all of the above. All I know is that food and sleep seem to be in short supply- neither of which I am deprived. I think my body is just screaming for sunshine and warm weather. This is why I never could've stayed in Washington. My vices there were coffee, tanning, and the gym- all three of which have been banished from my current lifestyle. I'd never survive as a Mormon in Washington.
Any-who, today brought progress. I woke up in a ho-hum mood that has been typical for this week. Knowing that there was much to be done, I took a moment to meditate on what I actually could do, other than dwell on the fact that I'm feeling lethargic. There are several areas in my house that could use my attention- namely the hall closet, bathroom cupboards, master bedroom closet- but what I came up with was to clean out the toy boxes.
So I said a prayer, grabbed my cup of Mormon coffee (Yerba Mate) and headed upstairs. After much sorting, I was able to pull three bags of "stuff" from both of the toy boxes combined. I even vacuumed out the bottom! Now that's an empty box. Two bags are in the back of my Lincoln awaiting drop off at the local Goodwill, the other went straight out to the trash- Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. The sooner those bags leave my house the better, otherwise they stand the danger of being re-opened and unpacked, piece by piece, by five anxious children.
With the energy that I gleaned from cleaning out the toy boxes, I was able to organize my office, dust, and vacuum (also much needed.) Cleaning is such a cycle, and as anyone knows you're never really "done," but one can certainly make progress. I find that when I tackle the bigger areas (i.e. something that doesn't get undone by the end of the day,) the mundane items like dishes and laundry seem to be less so, and I gain momentum for the next project.
There's not much I can do about the rain, but if I'm going to be stuck inside the house it might as well be a clean house, right? I am just keeping my sights set on spring... and Anthony... and the whole new set of challenges that are about to come into my life.
Oh winter! It is such a hard season! We must be on the same wave...I did nothing but clean all day yesterday! Yippee!
ReplyDeleteSoak up the sun today! I feel the same way when I have been inside a lot. You also have a lot on your plate to think about and do. Spring will soon be here!