Here's to home stretch! I am 37 weeks today. Still feeling pretty good, no back or hip pain. My energy comes and goes, and on the tired days I am content to stay home and rest... and rest, and rest. Still a little bit worried about how I am going to fit naps in after the baby is born, but those nuances always work themselves out, don't they? I am predicting a fast labor on a Monday night after the kids are in bed. By number six I figure I'm allowed to exercise a little bit of control over these things. =)

This guy feels like he is sapping every last bit of my energy on certain days, and I am really trying to be rigorous about staying on top of my supplements. Among the ones I am taking are iron, blue-green algae, folic acid, herbal minerals, and evening primrose oil (to soften the cervix.) I also love my Mother's Tea and Yerba Mate, and I know I am getting plenty of calcium through my homemade ice-cream. =)

Oh, and let me tell you about heartburn. I only get it in pregnancy, but I seem to get it
every pregnancy, so you better believe I am prepared for those middle of the night surges with a roll of Tums at my bedside. Apple cider vinegar also seems to help. I don't know how people live with heartburn on a regular basis.
The excitement is building around these parts!
When I was pregnant, just the word "heartburn" would give me heartburn! Wow - this pregnancy has gone really fast. Enjoy these last few weeks of kicks in the ribs and hickups. You're doing great and Anthony will blend right in with the routine as if he has been there a long time! As for naps? - you'll catch up when you're 70!!