Monday, January 28, 2013

18 Weeks- Twin Surrogate Pregnancy

This picture was taken today, at 18 1/2 weeks.  I feel like growth is exponential from here.  I can literally feel my stomach stretching and growing within a day, and most certainly from day to day this past week.  I was sitting on the arm of my chair today and I felt the top of my uterus several centimeters above my naval.  Just to give you an idea of how "ahead of schedule" I am, at 20 weeks with a single pregnancy, the uterus measures at the naval.  I would say I am several weeks ahead in growth.  The good news is that these babes are growing healthy and strong, and I can feel their movements more and more every day!

I have been about a week with no dairy, refined flour, or sugar in my diet, and I am reaping the benefits.  I noticed immediately that I no longer need mints to get rid of that "taste" in my mouth that causes nausea after eating, and my energy levels are more stable (providing a good night's sleep.)  I went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on a bunch of healthy foods, and I look forward to each meal.  Dinner is the hardest time for me not to drink milk, but a glass of almond milk satisfies the craving.  I've also been using the Blendtec a lot in the morning to make "whole" juice- orange and spinach- which gives me much more clean energy than my tea ever did.

We received a gift from the babies' father the other day and that was very touching.  Although distant, I know he is happy in his heart and that makes me happy. 

It's hard to put into words the difference in a twin pregnancy, but it's just... different.  I have a deep relationship with food this time around and feel more in tune with my body's need for nourishment.  That's it... there's a lot more nourishing going on.

For the first time last night I had thoughts of labor and birth.  I know it's early on in the game, but as soon as I am over the nausea and fatigue of the first trimester, my mind turns towards the task ahead of birth.  It's something I go through almost every pregnancy, the process of anticipating birth on a nightly basis.  It's not a fear necessarily, rather a preparation.  Birth is not something you want to get blindsided by.  On that note, I have been listening to my Hypnobabies, "Birthing my Twins Naturally," on a regular basis.

Grow, babies, grow!!

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