... apple pie. I am 30 years old, have lived in America all my life, and have never made an apple pie... until yesterday. What else do you do on a Saturday with 6 kids and 35 pounds of apples?
I was finally able to pull the apple peeler/corer/slicer down that has gone untouched up on the shelf for the past two years, and what fun it was! We were all amazed by its ingenuity.

An apple slinky!

Whether it was peeling the apples, mixing, pouring, or rolling out the dough, all the kids had a part.

Dotted with (extra) butter... mmm.

Rachel later climbed up ON the table and became a floury mess.

We had extras, so we threw them in the crockpot for applesauce, which filled the house with a delicious aroma while it simmered.

I brushed the top crust with heavy whipping cream before putting it in the oven for a nice golden-brown finish. Next time I'll sprinkle it with sugar, too.

Ta-Da! There are two whole sticks of butter in this baby. I went to World Market and invested $8 in a stoneware pie pan, which made for a crispy crust and even texture.

This was so good, we even had some for breakfast. However, we didn't even make a dent in our apples so it looks like we'll be making more this week.

Guess I better run extra miles to work off all the pie I'll be eating!
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