Our sweet Ashlee turned 12 today! It's hard to believe our first-born has come so far. It seems like just yesterday she was getting baptized, and now she is entering Young Women's.
The day started with breakfast at Denny's with Grandma Nancy. This is where Forrest and I met and where I worked while I was pregnant with Ashlee, so I thought it was neat that she was going there to celebrate.
I gave her the day off from school work, so she was able to come home, relax, and enjoy the cool, cloudy weather. We had chili and cornbread for dinner.

Just as we were finishing up the meal, the doorbell rang. It was the Beehives coming to "kidnap" Ashlee for a spa night at Sister Jensen's house. Ashlee looked a little surprised until I told her what was going on, then she became excited. They spent the evening snacking, chatting, and being pampered; she came home with green fingernails. It was definitely a warm welcome into the Young Women's!

When she came home I surprised her with a red velvet cupcake from the specialty cupcake shop in Folsom, along with a gift card to Tilly's. She spent some time talking with Forrest and I before she went to bed, obviously elated from the evening. Oh, and she also had her interview with Bishop regarding her completion of the Faith in God program and entrance into Young Women's. She will have an interview with the YW presidency on Thursday night. I can't really express the feelings I have in my heart about my "baby" growing up so fast and progressing in the church, except that I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and the influence it's had on my family. Ashlee, we are more than proud of you for all of your accomplishments and many talents. It has been a joy raising you in our family and we look forward to many more years and milestones.

Kaitlyn didn't survive the party- she crashed before making it to bed. I told her she could lay in my bed until Ashlee got home, and this is where I found her; asleep on the floor in front of the hall closet. My kids
never pass out like this, so she must have been pretty tired. (I see that she first read herself a book.)
Happy Birthday Ashlee!
Happy Birthday Ashlee! It sounds like you had a very full day. Sarah left you a Happy Birthday message on your phone yesterday - hope you got it. All our love and best wishes!!!!