Today we did the Run for Courage 5k in Folsom. This was the largest run we have ever been to, with thousands of people and very limited parking. We drove around for about 20 minutes looking for a spot, and by the time we found one Ashlee and I had to run across several parking lots and cross a busy intersection to make it to the starting line barely 5 minutes before the race. We stayed together as a group, and at about the last quarter mile Ashlee sprinted ahead and finished first. I finished strong several seconds behind her, then came Jolena and Lisa, running the whole way. This was Jolie's first 5K and she made us proud!

Thanks to my support team. Forrest never fails to get up bright and early on a Saturday and drag the stroller and all the kids along. Jacob was waiting at the finish line with a camera, and Rachel clapped when she saw me. Priceless.

I am definitely ready to bump up my runs. The 5ks are fun, but they're not a challenge for me. They've been good postpartum runs, but now that I'm done having babies I'm ready to amp up my training. I think I will make the next run I do a 10k. One of my goals is to decrease my mile time, which I know will come as I start doing longer runs. A better diet will also help, which will be easier to maintain when I start getting a full-night's sleep! My friend Lisa made this run so much fun, and I am happy to know that the profit went to a good cause.
You are amazing. What a fun thing to do with ash too, plus both of your guys best friends! I love your and Lisa story. You girls are the cutest buddies xo