Last night we had Ashlee's 12th birthday party. She is at the age where she can do most of the planning herself, and that is just what she did. She chose all the games and put up decorations, and I provided the food. It was an intimate party with three of her close friends from church, plus our brood of kids.

Ashlee is on her toes in this picture, but before long I do believe we'll be seeing eye-to-eye!

What's a party without a game of balloon volleyball?

Getting blindfolded for the pin-the-face-on-the-girl game.

So close Brooklyn!

The Birthday Girl's turn.

I thought this was very creative: the girls raced to see who could transfer fruity pebbles from one bowl to another first using only a straw. Kylee won (she has her mom's competitive spirit!)

Ashlee came in a close second by about only five fruity pebbles.

Ashlee has been wanting to do apple bobbing at her party for years, and this was by far the
most entertaining part of the night.

Brooklyn gave us the best underwater shot.

After a while it turned into an all-out dunkfest!

Rachel was just thrilled that we brought the slide into the house.

We had an easy dinner of homemade cheese pizza and veggies.

Afterwards, the girls settled down for a movie, of course with plenty of candy to go along.

A yellow smiley face cake, by request.

I wonder what she wished for this year?
Happy 12 Ash! Here's to the last year before you're a teenager.
Home is the best place to be. It feels great to celebrate at home with everybody. Even I love it when my friends and family are together. This time I will have to look for one of the event venues for my birthday celebration because my house is under renovation and I really want a get together.