Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cuteness From Afar

Dad, Candy, Roxanne- this one's for you guys. Just wanted to share some of the cuteness as Anthony begins to talk, squeal, laugh, and find his voice.


  1. you make the cutest babies!! I want to scoop him up and cuddle him forever. What a cute chub, Love his little wide smile. Such a little lover. He looks just like all your other handsome kids. xo

  2. Amy- I want to cuddle him forever too! Despite my best efforts, he's growing up. I really wish I could have a newborn on my shoulder for the rest of my life. I think that will be part of our heaven. =)

  3. OH my goodness. I couldn't help but smile the whole way through this video! Babies make me so happy! His voice is super cute. I love how hard he's trying and he's doing an awesome job of figuring it out! Yay Anthony!

  4. Katie- yes, and you are so lucky to have this to look forward to all over again! I may have to come over and borrow your baby by then. =)
