Last night was our church's trunk-or-treat. This has probably been my favorite part of Halloween ever since I joined the church. I get so much enjoyment out of being in a safe place where my kids know everyone and seeing all the fun costumes. I especially love the family theme costumes. This may be the only pictures I get of the kids this year because I don't want to be following them around with a camera tomorrow night... I'll probably be pushing a stroller.

Rachel is a ladybug and has the cuuuutest costume. She doesn't mind wearing it either, which is a bonus and a rarity.

Ashlee's costume this year was a female vampire, but she decided to dress as a "nerd" last minute to match a friend.

As far as Anthony, we're not dressing him up this year. I just don't see the sense in dressing my babies- it's hot, uncomfortable, and they usually spend all their time in the stroller anyways. Next year buddy.
Happy Halloween!!!
Jacob: your costume make-up is awesome...very realistic! Ashlee, you are so creative. Love your costume. Everyone looks great! I remember trick-or-treating in CA with you way back when we still lived in Folsom. I miss that!