Wednesday, July 28, 2010

5 Months

On Tuesday Rachel turned 5 months, and I am more in love with her than ever. I love the way she loves me. I love to watch her little ankles circle around and her feet rub together when she nurses. I love how she giggles when I zip up her jammies. I love how she squints at the loudness of her own delightful squeals. I love holding her in my lap and feeding her an entire mug of rice cereal with applesauce, one tiny spoonful at a time. I love having her crib in our bedroom (even if it does mean getting up sometimes several times a night to sleepily cross the room and retrieve a lost pacifier.) I love how, when I lay her down, her little arms flap and flail until I give her the pacifier, then her eyes roll back and she caresses her blanket until she falls asleep. I am definitely finding more enjoyment with each baby, and the time seems to pass more quickly (which is sad in some regard but also a blessing.) I could definitely do a lifetime of this.


  1. Wow, I can't believe how big she is getting! She doesn't look like a newborn anymore-she looks like a sweet little baby, and I can't wait to see her again, when that time comes!!

  2. She is growing so fast and she is strikingly beautiful.

    Its funny because she seems so much older than Michael to me....but in a few years, all these kids that were born within months of each other will pretty much be the same age. I can't wait for that...... =)

  3. Heehee! She's so cute and squishy! I love it. She really does look so much like you!
