Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Prep 101

What to do when you wake up at 3:30 a.m. and can't fall back to sleep?

Knit baby legs by the light of the Christmas tree, of course!

(That's one less thing on my Christmas to-do list... maybe now I'll be able to get some sleep.)


  1. Wow-I can't believe you were up at that icky hour doing stuff-those look great, though! And I read the caramel post, and those look yummy! I tried my hand at caramels last week, and am going to try again tomorrow-I broke my candy thermometer so the testing is difficult!!

  2. Actually I went to bed at 8:15 so I had gotten my 6 hours of sleep, which is why I was ready to go. As far as the caramels, reaching the right temperature is CRITICAL! I wouldn't recommend attempting them without a calibrated candy thermometer.
