Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bless This Mess

I can do one of two things really well- clean my house or be a good mommy. Here's the catch- I CAN'T do BOTH (not really well, anyways.) So, I am trying to let go... of cleaning the house, that is, not of being a good mommy. Last Saturday as I walked out on six loads of laundry, unmade beds, and a dirty kitchen in order to get Jacob to his T-ball game on time, the thought ran through my head, "Bless this mess."

I am grateful for the clothes that make up those piles of laundry to clothe my four children. Those beds were once filled with sleeping angels. And the dishes are left over from the good meal we had the night before.

This is the attitude I am trying to adapt, because I figure that so long as I am "laboring for that which does not satisfy," I am missing out on the most important things in life. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a clean house. I have just resolved to the fact that so long as there are young children in my home, it is going to look, well, "lived in."

I am fortunate enough to have a husband who places no expectations on me as far as the way the house looks. He once told me, "If I come home to a messy house, I know you had your priorities straight and were spending time with the kids."

There will come a day when I will clean my house and it will stay that way, but the sad part is that will be the day that my children are gone. So, I will do my part to be a good homemaker, but more importantly, to be a good mother. In the mean time, BLESS THIS MESS!


  1. Amen Lisa! Although there are times I wish the house would just stay clean - I know I will miss these days too.

  2. Welcome to the club. I try to do both but the kids always win. Here is the trick. First thing in the morning while the kids are eating breakfast I do as much as I can. Then I just do as much as I can through out the day but spend most of the day playing the kids. Now when I know someone is coming over that is when I get to work. Other than that we have a house "lived in". One day we will both enjoy a clean but quiet house. Until then I agree "bless this mess". As a last note I do think it is important to teach kids to work. The three older kids have chores to help out. Yes even Myla. I believe the whole family needs to help out. Just a thought.

  3. Yes, one day we will "miss the mess," hard as that one is to believe. Just think about say, even two years ago, don't you already feel like you hardly remember the days, and wish you could recall more-or is that just me? Well, if we spend all our time cleaning rather than making and preserving these moments with our kids, then we will not remember them, we will just remember whether our homes were clean or not. It is all about balance, but ultimately giving more weight to the children that matters. You aren't alone in this struggle:-)

  4. Bless this mess.....

    My mom always had a sign in our living room (she made on posterboard...ghetto, but it got the message done).

    This is a self cleaning house, clean up after yourself.

    Needless to say, we blessed the mess often. =)

    Cute thoughts Lisa...and right on.
