Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good News

Rachel had an appointment with the Cardiologist this morning. Her echocardiogram revealed that the pressure in the right side of her heart has dropped, indicating that the pulmonary valve is opening up on its own. This is the good news we were hoping for. She will be seen again around the 9 month mark for another echo, at which time the doctor suspects the pressure will have dropped even more, taking her out of the category of being a surgery candidate. We are thankful for all the prayers and positive thoughts being sent her way, and do not doubt the role faith has played in this.


  1. Wonderful news! I'm so glad to hear that things are looking good.

  2. That is GREAT news! What an answer to prayer.

  3. YAY Lisa! I'm so happy to hear that.

  4. OH that is such great news! Good job Rachel, what a strong, strong girl.
