Saturday, May 25, 2013

35 Weeks

Thursday marked 35 weeks with the twins. My weight has gone back down to 176 (from 181) as my appetite is still missing.  Has anyone seen it?  It's pretty discouraging to eat when even a piece of watermelon gives you heartburn.  Dare I eat something such as Taco Bell (as I did yesterday) and my body ensures I will pay for it the rest of the night. :/
I find myself feeling very heavy lately and asking, "Where, oh where, has my energy gone?"  Movements are slow and deliberate and it's all I can do to maintain the household until the birth.  I am grateful though and feel blessed for what an easy, uneventful pregnancy it's been.  Heavenly Father's been good to me.
This guy loves to go out back and play on the birth tub.  Our patio provides a safe place for him to go outside when he begs for it.

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