Thursday, January 14, 2010


This girl has an obsession with toothbrushes and toothpaste. I often find her walking around the house, toothbrush in hand (and I might add she is indiscriminate as to who's she grabs,) merrily brushing away. If she's lucky to get a hold of a tube of toothpaste, that's a whole other story. Should I be worried about fluoride poisoning?? I am trying to turn her on to using water instead. Either way, she's cute as heck and I couldn't resist recording her tonight.


  1. Oh yes, Penny LOVES this too. It must be the age where the independence part of them wants to try these new "big kid" things ALL THE TIME. Plus the toothpaste tastes yummy! Penny especially loves getting water from the tap with her toothbrush like Kaitlyn does. I love it!

  2. Awwww, SO sweet! I love how drinking water becomes so exciting and delicious when served on a toothbrush!! She is so cute showing us her pretty shining teeth at the end, too:-)
