Friday, February 26, 2010


Labor is imminent. It had better be, because I don't want to go through another night of these crampy contractions that are just enough to keep me awake but not enough to constitute active labor. Yet for what it's worth, I know they are productive because I woke up to more "show," LOTS of show, the labor-is-in-progress kind of show that can not be dismissed. I think today will be the day. Forrest came home last night and was awake just long enough for me to cry on his shoulder before drifting off into what will probably be our last good night's sleep for a while (well, good for him anyways.) I, on the other hand, have developed a burning cough in my chest that is so not fair to have to be dealing with when I am this close to labor. I think I'll go make myself a cup of hot tea and soak in the bath until these contractions progress into something I can get excited about. Please send courage and easy labor vibes my way. I will be excited, believe me, but right now I am having a hard time getting past the thought of what lies ahead.


  1. I'm so so so sos os ossososoos sooooooooo EXCITED for you. Just wished you felt better. xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxxoxxo I can't wait to see your lovely new baby!!!!

  2. Good vibes are coming from all of us in Washington. I wish I could be there for you and yours. Remember - 2:30 this afternoon!! All my love, Candy

  3. Deep breath's Lisa, deep breaths. You might be in labor as I'm writing this so obviously there's deep breaths going on! will do phenomenal. Focus on your hypnobirthing. Remember, transition is the shortest phase and the reward will be amazing!! She's almost here in your arms. Focus on what you imagine her to look like and just look at Kaitlyn as inspiration, it was only 2 years ago you saw her as a newborn and look how fun she is! We are so excited for you and can't wait to find out when she's here!

  4. OK so you probably already had your little girl since I am late to get on your blog today. I hope everything went or is going well! I am dropping by dinner tomorrow. I will drop off on your steps so I do not bother the new mommy and baby.
