Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What They're Not Teaching Your Kids in School

This is an excerpt from Ashlee's 6th grade Health textbook:

"...being healthy means more than physical, mental, and social health. It also includes spiritual health. When you are spiritually healthy, God is the Lord of your life- all areas of your life. God becomes Lord of your body, your feelings and thoughts, your decisions, and your relationships with others. Treating others kindly and respectfully (social health), for example, will be more than something you do in order to get along in the world. You will be treating others the way God wants you to; you will be showing your thanks to God for His love to you...spiritual health must be the starting point."

-Health Inside and Out p.6

The other day I was asked by a woman in line if I homeschool my kids because I am afraid of the public school system. My answer to these types of questions is always that I do not homeschool out of fear, I homeschool to give my kids a better quality of education. As a person who approaches life from a holistic perspective, homeschooling seems like the natural decision. In health, for example, you can't treat the disease without looking at the cause. The reason why alternative medicine is so effective is because it addresses the human being as a whole- mind, body and spirit. I believe the same holds true for education. To fail to acknowledge that children are spiritual beings in need of guidance and inspired teaching deprives them of a necessary part of their development. To paraphrase a quote from one of the church leaders, you can't send your child to a spiritually hostile environment every day and expect them to grow spiritually. I think we are only beginning to see the effects of the separation-of-church-and-state gone too far, and there are days I do keep my kids home out of fear. Back to the woman's question, the look on her face was non-indicative as to whether or not she was an advocate of homeschooling. It wasn't until she told me that she did homeschool all of her kids, all twelve years, because she was afraid, that I knew she understood.

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