Tuesday, April 20, 2010

All Smiles

Rachel has been working her smile lately. Last night when she woke up for a diaper change, she flashed me a big 'ol grin to get my attention, then started cooing away. She's figuring out how to reel us in with that adorable grin.

Here she is trying it out on Kaitlyn. She was more than thrilled that Kaitlyn had climbed up on the bed to afford her some company. (Mom was busy folding laundry at the foot of the bed which wasn't nearly as entertaining.)

I love the early stages of communication. It is such a groundwork for times to come.

When my babies are at this age, I smile until my face hurts. I just can't resist coaxing out their budding personalities. I can already tell Rachel is going to be every bit as sweet as her sisters.


  1. My cheeks are still sore from all the smiles we had last weekend. Very sweet pictures.

  2. Oh man. That top smile is way too cute and huge for a little chunk. You are so lucky.

  3. She's got a cute grin for sure. She has the perfect amount of squish on her face too. =) She's so pretty.

  4. OH SO CUUUUTE! Love her cheeks! Love her smile. She looks like Noah to me in that picture!
