Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In Love

I am A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D to this little girl. I love her smell- the only way I know how to describe it is intoxicating. I love brushing my lips and cheeks against her soft fuzzy head. I love coming to bed at night and hearing her little sleep-breathing. I love the little grunting noises she makes when she wakes up to nurse. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her!All dressed this morning. This is a new outfit from Aunt Vera, and a hand-crocheted headband from Aunt Roxanne. The colors go very well together. I love pink and chocolate for little girls.
Her studying look...
Rachel, Mommy LOVES you!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh my gosh-so adorable! I love that outfit with the headband:-) So, so cute!

  2. She looks lovely!! What cutie!!!

  3. Daddy loves this girl, too. She looks more like her sisters as time goes on. xoxo
